Front Range FAB - Spinning Art Batts


Intimidated by art batts? Unsure how to spin them? This is the class for you. We’ll explore the construction of art batts, discuss some of the approaches to spinning and plying them, and then practice the different techniques. While intended primarily for wheel spinners, the course can be taken using drop or Turkish spindles.

Experience Level: Advanced beginner. You need to know how to spin and how to ply.

What you need to bring: A spinning wheel (orifice should be at least 1/4”) with 4 empty bobbins or 3 spindles and a plying spindle (support spindles not recommended). A Lazy Kate. Something to wind finished yarn on to (optional). A sense of adventure and humor.

If you do not have a wheel or spindle for the class, you may rent them for $10. Limited number of rentals available.

Recommended: Pull long hair back. Avoid clothing with dangly bits like hoody cords, scarves…

Supply fee to be paid to instructor at time of class: $40

What you get: Students receive 4 AriBo Arts mini-batts or 2 regular sized AriBo Arts batts and plying material.

Class Schedule:  Saturday 9:00-12:00

Instructor: Erika Lindgren

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